Project Description

For years we have been following with great passion and curiosity the TEDx events that are increasingly providing cultural sharing in different cities across Italy.

That’s why we couldn’t help but seize the ball when the opportunity arose to follow the entire social communication of the event, which started in early July and culminated with the dedicated day on Oct. 1st.

Communication was structured into 3 main moments. The initial phase was dedicated to creating awareness about this year’s theme, the hemosphere, the ancestral dwelling place of archetypes. Crucial was to develop a large amount of content that was interesting and engaging, so as to attract more and more interested people and thus nurture a strong community. Then followed the event phase, which began a month earlier with ticket sales. In this case, we designed 4 different Facebook adv campaigns that would consider place of residence (a 50 km radius of Lerici), interests (tech, science, psychology etc.), and finally age (between 18 and 35 years old), so as to reach the most targeted people. This second phase also includes the event itself, with live content creation to accompany users in the narrative of the day. Finally, the post-event followed, with highlights and behind-the-scenes publishing, so as to always keep the audience active and foster interactions.

Having come to this point you may ask, “okay, all very interesting, but what results has this brought?”

Well, here are a few to understand the effectiveness of this communication.

In 4 months of work, we designed and published over 60 posts, 300 stories and 9 reels. This content reached about 54 thousand accounts and over 3 thousand interactions, bringing 313 new followers to the page (+24% compared to the period before the collaboration). By leveraging the different creatives of the Facebook adv campaigns, we were able to maximize the effectiveness of the allocated budget and sell all available tickets.

It was an intense effort that brought results beyond expectations, realized through collaboration with the entire team of volunteers, which we hope generated a broad cultural impact in a town as rich in history and excitement as Lerici is.

Thank you all and see you next time !